NEWS: Android Sep'21 Release
Good news! Our latest updates on Android is released on 31 September 2021.

DSC Digital Card - verified!
A few weeks ago, we introduced DSC Digital Card as a new feature. With this release, you can verify the DSC Digital Card.
On the Welcome screen, click the blue 'Staff Card' icon on the top right to display your Digital Card.
External parties can scan the QR code using their phone and verify that the digital card is valid or not. This validation boosts confidence to clients or external parties who see the digital card.
To prevent tampering, DSC periodically generates QR codes.
Note: the verification feature is only available on Premium subscriptions.

Access Staff Lounge
On this Android release, you can check jobs published on the Staff Lounge. To access the Staff Lounge,
- On the Welcome screen, click 'My Record'
- Click the three stripes menu (top right) to display 'My Record' menu items
- Then, select 'Staff Lounge'
- You can choose "One Off" or "Ongoing" available jobs on the Staff Lounge
Note: Staff Lounge is also available for Premium subscriptions.
Have any questions?
If you need help or have any questions on our Android app or you have suggestions to improve our app further, do contact our team at support@dayspringcare.com.au.
Don't have an app for your Support Workers? Want to make things simpler for Support Workers?
If you would like to learn more about our Start to Finish home care management software, please contact us for a 30-mins web demo.
Contact us on either hello@dayspringcare.com.au
OR Click the "Book a Demo" button below.