Simplify Incident Reporting
"Managing incidents effectively is an essential part of providing quality and safe disability supports and services" - NDIS Commission
If you're a home care manager / owner, you know the importance in having an effective incident reporting & management system. With our recent release, we'll take a look at the four improvements that can help make the process a little bit easier.
Here are the 4 four improvements to help you manage incidents:
- Incident Indicator
- Filter Incidents List based on Status
- Printable Incident Reports
- Easily Create Reminder Tasks based on Incidents
1. Incident Indicator
Stay on top of and in control of new incidents with the incident indicator feature.
With this indicator, you can instantly view any incident that needs to be processed. Simply, open up your menu bar and you'll see how many new incident there are. This way, you can attend to them right away so you can get on with your work without delay.
2. Filter by Status
Incident Reporting just got a little easier with the new Status sorting feature. Now you can swiftly find and filter through your list of incidents based on their status. Whether it's open, pending, or closed, DSC has you covered. You'll save time sorting through your list of incidents by filtering only what you need to see.
3. Printable Incidents Reports
This new tool will help you and your team easily keep track of all the important details of each incident.
Now, with just a few clicks, you can generate an Incident Report that includes all the important details of an incident (i.e. Type of Incident, Severity, Summary etc.) and send it to the people who need them.
You can also send it as a PDF file to declutter your work and spend less time on paperwork.
4. Reminder Tasks from Incidents
Here's a tool to help you stay on top of incident and follow up with ease! Support Workers can now create reminders based on each incident to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. This new feature will help your team feel confident that you're handling all the issues at hand.
Need to know more?
Our team is constantly working on creating and upgrading tools to make home care management simple and easy. If you have any questions, suggestions or enquiries about these new features or DSC in general, click the blue "Contact" button in the bottom right corner.
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Click "Book A Demo".