NDIS '21 Price Guide Changes: What's Important? [Simplified]
Here is a simple, straight-to-the-point 3 min read on the pages of pages of information shown on the 2021 NDIS Price Guide.
Every 1st of July of the New Financial Year, NDIS makes changes to the NDIS Price Guide to define what activities can be funded for the next 12 months (until the next updated NDIS Price Guide)
The 2021 NDIS Price Guide is no different this year.
We wanted to help you keep things simple, so we read through this 2021 NDIS Price Guide to put all the general points in this 3-min blog.
But if you want want the detailed NDIS 2021 Price Changes (and we highly encourage you to read through it!), click the link below
The first and biggest change that you need to know is the name change.NDIS is changing the name of 'NDIS Price Guide 2021 into 'NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2021'.
So from now on, to find any the annual updated NDIS Price Guides, search on google for "NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits [Insert Year]"Or you can tune in to our blog to find the summarised, straight-to-the-point version!
The two most important pricing changes to the prices to take note of is:
- Temporary Transformation Payments loading has decreased. By 1.5%Reason: to help service providers transition to the NDIS structure easier
- Transitional Pricing Arrangement for group-based supports have been extended for 12 monthsReason: NDIS has taken note the impacts of COVID 19 and extended till 30th of June for any providers who require this for a longer period of time. How nice!
NDIS further clarifies their Pricing Guide to make it clearer.
The recent clarification to their information of the 2021 Price Guide can be split into two categories.
Plan Managed Participants
- Valid tax invoice clarifications
- Provider's ABN ( Australian Business Number). Exempt Providers must meet the ATO relevant requirements and conditions. This information should be provided as evidence to the Plan Manager.
- Do not exceed the price limits whether or not if it is from a registered or unregistered Provider
- If claim for supports are not reasonable and/or necessary to meeting a disability related need, the plan manager shouldn't process the claim
*Extra information for compliances that should be met by Plan Managers are all available in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits
Non Face-to-face Supports Charges
Here is further clarification on the conditions to what providers can claim in their expenses the relate to supports (or an addition to the support):
- The claim must indicate Non face-to-face supports are claimable for that time
- The charges comply with the rules (further expanded upon in the NDIS PA&PL 2021)
- The activity is a part to delivering a specific disability support item
- The provider has explained the activity and why it represents the best use of the NDIS funds
- Agree to the expense in advance.
In contrast, here are conditions in 2021 that NDIS cannot charge you for:
- Pre-engagement visits
- Developing service agreements
- Administrative activities such as entering details, quoting or changing service times
- Ongoing NDIS Plan monitoring
- Making Service Bookings and Payments Claims
More than one Worker/Therapists Claims
In 2021, you may claim more than one worker/therapist when:
- The situation requires more than one therapist/support worker in the same time (the claim can be made on everyone's time)
- "Shadow Shifts" - utilised to support participants with complex individual support needs
- Training or Supervision of a Therapist Assistant with the Therapist for specific support needs can be claimed.
Providers can claim for prepayments for certain supports without a written approval from NDIS under the following conditions:
- The Support item used is an assistive tech, vehicle modification and/or a home modification
- If the item exceeds $1500
- If the service Agreement requires prepayment
- The Final payment of no less than %10 of the total cost cannot be claimed until the support is ready for NDIS
In conclusion,
This blog simplifies the changes stated in the new 2021 Price guide. We want to help you on simplifying your tasks.
Please note that we encourage everyone to read the detailed report on the NDIS website to fully understand or find more specific, relevant changes that apply to you, click the button below to get the full 2021 NDIS Price Guide.
Our home care software platform includes a built-in NDIS pricing catalogue. So you won't have to copy & paste the prices from the NDIS spreadsheet. You simply can search and select the service and our system 'automagically' updates your charge rate.
To make your work easier, click the button below:
NDIS 2021 Prices on DSC Software